I have a passion for working with people, whether that’s supporting them through personal growth and development or Organisational Change.
I help individuals, teams and organisations perform at their best. I’m an agile leadership coach, illustrator, visual trainer/facilitator and a former Project Management Professional with over 30 years’ experience.
Welcome to The Humble PM.
Years Experience
Projects Delivered
Lessons Learned
My Story
When I was a boy, my Mum read the fairy tale The Emperor’s New Clothes to me. As I listened intently, I imagined that the yellow corduroy armchair was a magical golden throne.
I have always been inquisitive, and I remember asking more questions than usual on that day:
- Why didn’t the Emperor’s advisors say anything?
- How come the Emperor couldn’t see that there weren’t any clothes?
- What is pride?
I was puzzled by the story and struggled to wrap my head around it. That moment with my Mum and the tale has never left me.
Chapter 1
Throughout my 30 plus year career, I’ve worked with organisations and leaders across the globe. Often, I was reminded of this tale and observed situations and behaviours that spoke of the story’s various characters.
I became fascinated with human behaviour, particularly within the work environment:
- Why don’t people say anything when there are known problems in many of the corporations of today?
- How is it that some leaders are so disconnected from reality?
- What causes an environment to deteriorate so that people no longer feel empowered to raise issues, talk about challenges, and offer their valuable solutions?
A fearful environment can prevent us from speaking up, pride can hold us back, sometimes having disastrous consequences.
Chapter 2
The Humble PM represents the innocent boy in the tale, speaking the truth when nobody else is willing to do so.
I can help you find your voice using visualisation and story telling.
If you are a leader of people, I hope to inspire you to be more open, to truly listen to the people in your organisation and hear their incredible insights. These are the treasures waiting to be uncovered.
Let’s learn together, share our stories and evolve so that in another 184 years this will be just a fairy tale told to children and no longer experienced in the workplace.
Thank you for visiting The Humble PM.